Gain weight and build muscle
Gain weight and build muscle

Gain weight and build muscle fast and in healthy ways | Comprehensive health guide

People think that losing weight is difficult, also gaining weight is not easy.

This comprehensive guide will show you how to gain weight the healthy way and the right way "with minimal body fat and lots of good muscle".

People who desire to lose weight can choose from a plethora of diet regimens. But what if you want to bulk up?

Now we present your hand's complete research submitted by PxHealth.

This comprehensive guide to gaining weight and muscle healthily covers all aspects of the goal of gaining weight and building muscle.

In this guide, you will learn how to gain weight quickly, fatten in a healthy way, treat thinness, and know the best natural ways and recipes for effective weight gain for men and women as well.

Let's get started with knowing the basics and the tools needed to pass these goals.

How to Gain Weight (Basic Tools)

If you're about to set off on a road trip, you need a few basic tools: a car, good tires, petrol, a road map, some snacks (healthy of course), and a destination. It is the same with weight gain. When you set out on your journey to increase your body weight, these are your essential tools:

  • Eat more calories than you burn.
  • Eat foods rich in nutrients that are rich in calories.
  • Increase the amount of healthy dietary fats.
  • Add a food supplement to gain weight.
  • Lift heavy weight.

She may feel like you can't eat more than she's eating now, she's feeling uncomfortable.

It is not easy to consume more calories than your body tells you it needs, but if you want to gain weight, this is exactly what you need to do.

Then also you need to train well with a heavyweight and give your body time to rest and recover.

But to successfully gain weight, you need one more thing: a good reason to do so.

Simply saying yourself, "I want to gain weight," may not be enough to keep you motivated. So consider why you'd choose this path.

Has a lover or health professional ever told you that you are underweight? Do you want to feel strong, be more energetic, and need more volume to add more muscle? Maybe you just want to look slimmer.

If you want to treat thinness and fattening, whatever the reason, think about what your ideal weight should be to achieve your goals.

Setting a specific weight goal will help you track your progress.

Expect some weight gain due to body fat

Before we get started, let's address some potential concerns you may have. You might know someone who eats way too much, doesn't exercise, and, to the biggest surprise, ends up being overweight by way of a lot of extra fat. This is not what we are going to do. We want to give you tools to help you add "good weight" (muscle), not "bad" weight (excess fat).

This does not mean that you will not get any fat. Increasing the calories you eat to add muscle will also bring in some extra fat. Do not panic. With the right kind of exercise, you can have minimal fat gain. And remember, if you're struggling to gain weight, you're highly unlikely to gain 20 pounds of unwanted fat, especially if you haven't made the mistake that others do by not getting enough exercise.

How many calories do gain weight? How much weight was gained?

The formula for gaining weight is very simple: the number of calories you consume should be greater than the number of calories you burn.

You must first know how many calories your body burns each day (it varies from person to person).

Once you get the number, add at least 500 calories to it. Keep eating at least 500 more than your number for two weeks to see what happens. If you don't notice any change in your weight, increase it to 750 or even 1,000 calories above the rate you burn daily.

If you start gaining weight too quickly, bring it back to an extra 200 or 300 a day. With the right calorie intake and the right exercise, you can expect to gain 0.5: 1.5 pounds in body weight each week. If you're anywhere near that range, adjust your calorie intake.

Yes, you must consume more food, so make good choices.

The biggest issue people have when trying to put on muscle is how much food they need. You'll definitely have to eat a lot of calories, but there are a few tricks to reducing the amount of food you have to consume so you don't always feel like a bloated doll.

Do your best to consume food that is rich in nutrients and rich in calories. Fats, oils, nuts, seeds, avocados, red meat, whole eggs, full-fat dairy, and oily fish are excellent sources of calories without overburdening your stomach. Don't waste your time trying to eat too many failed foods that don't provide enough calories or nutrients that are worth the effort.

Protein is an important part of a diet to gain weight, but that doesn't mean you have to eat 2:4 grams of protein per pound of body weight, as some diets suggest. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that eating all that extra protein will increase muscle mass, plus this type of food can be pricey.

Carbohydrates can provide the same number of calories per gram as protein, and even more at a much lower cost. On the other hand, they don't make you feel as full as when you eat protein or fat, so you tend to eat more of them. Nonetheless, don't be scared to include some extra carbohydrates in your meals. When you do, go for carbs like pasta, white rice, and bread that have lower fiber content so you don't fill up quickly.

Fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates and a great source of vitamins and minerals. They are also a great source of water. All the water it contains can make you feel full and make you feel lighter. If you're worried about not being able to access your micronutrients when you're in the middle of that grueling weight gain drive, take a multivitamin daily.

Don't lose weight

Let's face it: fat has become a dirty word in our society. We want everything pure and low in fat. Primarily, fats are an important part of the human diet. They touch your vital organs, help you digest certain types of vitamins, and maintain optimal brain function. And it's the easiest way to add extra calories, up to twice as many calories per gram as protein and carbohydrates.

Fat sources are calorie-dense so they provide a lot of energy, and they usually taste good. But do not rely on cakes and butter. Your fats should come from high-quality sources including nuts, sunflower seeds, coconut oil, avocados, fatty cuts of meat, olive oil, natural mayonnaise, and some cheeses.

Fats also have the lowest thermogenic effect of nutrients compared to carbohydrates and protein. This means that your body burns 5 to 30 percent more calories digesting fat than it does other nutrients. The fewer calories your body spends digesting food, the more weight you will gain.

An easy way to increase the fat content of your diet is to cook meats and vegetables in olive oil, coconut oil, or other calorie-rich oils. Add a little fat to your protein. You can also sneak in some extra fat with your choice of protein. Instead of lean meat, choose 80/20 ground beef, and chicken thighs instead of chicken breasts.

Foods to gain weight

As you plan your meals intending to gain weight, remember that you do not have to follow the usual rules of no salt, no butter, and no flavor. Add broths, sauces, creams, and other toppings to your food. Not only do these enhancers make food taste better, so you'll want to eat more, but they also add a lot of the necessary extra calories.

When it comes to gaining weight, the world is your oyster, which, by the way, has around 175 calories in it. Foods that we should increase our intake of include coconut butter, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, butter, honey, whole coconut milk, and whole Greek milk. I drink milk throughout the day, eat peanut butter sandwiches, and mix in a 1000 calorie protein pyramid—these are some of the quickest ways to gain weight.

For people who are constantly trying to lose weight, being able to eat all of these foods may seem like heaven on earth. But as I found out, consuming a surplus of calories every day is not easy. If you're serious about packing for weight gain, you'll have to eat every 2:3 hours.

Having all of these calorie-rich foods on hand consistently takes planning. Your snacks can include nuts, ice cream, peanut butter sandwiches, and protein shakes. And the list goes on and on.

Provide the body with more and more energy

Once you get to know your nutrition, you can make some adjustments to your training regimen. The first very important tip for people trying to gain weight: Never train while hungry. Going to a workout without pre-qualifying your body forces the body to obtain energy by burning stored body fat and muscle tissue. You won't gain much weight when that happens.

  • You need to conserve your body's energy.
  • Aim to eat at least three meals before training.
  • If you train in the morning, make the biggest meal of the day the one you eat right after your morning workout.
  • When you're done exercising, your body is in a state where it can absorb any calories you supply.
  • Failing to consume a large dose of carbohydrates and protein after a workout makes recovery difficult, that post-workout period is the period when your body builds new muscle tissue.

The great thing about getting all those extra calories in your body is that it can leave you feeling good at the gym. Use the extra energy to lift heavier weights and train more days of the week. If you feel like your new job is to eat and train, you're on the right track.

Gain weight by gaining muscle

Then you can follow a good muscle-building training protocol as long as you are ready to consume all the extra calories to skip these workouts, with enough amount to continue gaining weight.

  1. If you want to significantly increase muscle mass, you must stick to a bulking program.
  2. Programs based on the 3:4 amplification require exercise sets using a moderate weight which is about 70:80% of the maximum you can lift and carry.
  3. This form of training has been proven to enhance levels of the muscle-building hormones testosterone and growth hormone significantly.

Work hard, but make sure you give yourself enough rest between sets of exercises which are about 1:2 minutes. Adequate rest periods help lower the heart rate before starting the next set. Maintaining your heart rate will help protect the calories you eat so that you don't use them while training.

More rest periods will increase your time in the gym. If you have a specific time to dedicate to your exercises, reduce the number of exercises you do. It is possible to try using the Powerlifter schedule approach, using heavyweights, and taking long breaks between training sets.

The choice of exercises is just as important as the number of sets you do. Large muscle exercises, including squats, bench press, deadlift, lateral shoulder assembly, and back pull, are the best exercises to increase muscle mass and thus gain weight. But you can still do one joint action. Front leg exercises and back leg exercises can help increase strength and muscle size, although not as much as compound exercises.

If you do both compound and isolation types of training, perform movements that target the large muscles first, and save the isolation exercises for later in your workout.

Weight Gain Supplements

Supplements were created for a reason: Everyone needs a little help now and then. Putting muscle on can be just as much work as trying to lose body fat. Adding some of these simple nutritional supplements to your diet can make weight gain a little easier.

Weight Gainer: Weight gainer supplements are frequently high in protein, carbohydrates, and fats, allowing you to swiftly increase your calorie intake. Some weight gain products enable you to consume more than 1,000 calories in one serving!

Creatine: Creatine helps increase your performance in training, making you feel strong and able to lift more weight, which translates to more muscle. Creatine draws water into your cells to make your muscles a little bigger and heavier. Creatine is one of the best nutritional supplements on the market. There is really no reason not to take it. Target 5: 10 grams per day, taken at any time during the day.

ZMA: If you want your muscles to grow, you need to cut back on the time to recover from your workouts. ZMA is one of the leading nutritional supplements for overnight muscle repair and recovery. It is best to take a combination of zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6. Take a ZMA supplement before going to bed to improve muscle recovery and enhance muscle size and strength.

Weight gain tips

Eating healthy food, eating a healthy and proper diet, training and nutritional supplements should form the backbone of your weight-gaining efforts, but these other helpful tips can make the process more effective.

Get some good sleep: As with any fitness regime, sleep is an essential part of the muscle recovery process. Your muscles don't grow when you're in the gym, but they grow when you're resting. Make sure you spend enough time sleeping and resting.

Not getting enough quality sleep over time can increase cortisol levels.

Cortisol is a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands that can stimulate muscle breakdown, resulting in loss of muscle mass and weight. Giving the body adequate rest is a good treatment for excess cortisol.

Go out to eat:

  • Most restaurants offer meals that are more calorie-dense than the food you would cook at home.
  • If you are a bodybuilder, it is common practice to stay away from restaurants that will not serve chicken breasts and vegetables.
  • But because you are in the game of calorie surplus, you can forget about all these rules and arrange a meal full of butter and salt.

If you have money to spend on restaurant meals, go for it. You'll get a lot of food and a lot of calories that taste way better than the food you cook at home unless you know what you're doing in the kitchen.

If you cook at home a lot, double the size of your servings. If you usually eat one chicken breast, then you should eat two. Do you eat a piece of toast with eggs in the morning? Make it two!

Follow the ice cream truck: Want an extra treat? Whatever it is, go for it. Your muscles aren't that picky about the type of calories you're consuming. Eating like ice cream can be a delicious way to add calories to your diet.

But don't lose sight of what you've learned about sugar. Refined sugar, especially in large doses, is still unhealthy and is the surest way to gain body fat rather than muscle. Drinking a gallon of soda each day will ultimately save you nothing but type 2 diabetes.

Move big: One trick to losing weight is to put food on small plates so that it looks like you're eating more than you are. The opposite is true for weight gain. If you have larger dishes in the cupboard, pull them out and use them to eat.

Same with glass cups: put the smaller ones aside and use the big ones for drinks and fill them up with milk and proteins!

Be patient: if you are having trouble gaining weight, you know that it takes a lot of time and a lot of effort to add a kilogram to your weight. If you understand that going in you will be less likely to frustrate and quit before your body has time to respond to your new, heavy program.

Track: Log your food, your workouts, your weight, the changes you see in the mirror, and how you feel. You may not be into counting calories, and a lot of people aren't, but it may be worth it.

If you discover that you need 3,300 calories per day to gain weight, you need to make sure that you are actually consuming those calories. If you need to get all 3,300 and find you're only consuming 2,900, you're missing out on 400 calories which can have a huge impact on your ability to gain weight.

Eat faster If you want to lose weight, eat slowly. If you want to gain weight, don't constantly put your utensils down during your meal! Eating slowly gives your brain a chance to signal to your stomach that you have had enough to eat. This signal usually hits the stomach about 20 minutes after it is already full.

What you want to do is eat quickly so you can consume as much food as you can comfortably use before that signal goes off.

Make it a point to eat your meals with your training buddies or friends who eat more than you do. This way it becomes a kind of competition. It also puts "eating a lot" in a humble perspective when you can see how much other people eat by comparison.

  • Drink more calories.
  • Chewing your food takes work and time.
  • You can gain weight more efficiently if you consume more of your calories.
  • Whenever you can, reach for the milk, coconut water, or this high-calorie protein shake.
  • Those big food batches you make at home can become the foundation of your weight gain.
  • Add extra calories any way you can.
  • Use coconut milk, peanut butter, and high-quality protein supplements to make these batches that give you lots of calories and lots of nutrients.
  • Drink these drinks with every meal!

Be at peace with food. Finally, concentrate on developing a pleasant connection with food. Learn how to cook your own meals, enjoy your own food, and eat meals with others as often as possible. Too often, people get so caught up in consuming all the calories they can that they forget to taste the food before they enjoy the full process of feeding themselves.

Plan to have dinner with a friend at least twice each week for the next month. And be sure to invite those friends who aren't afraid to say yes to a second or even a third aid!


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  1. This is very enlightening and educative. From my own view I feel " healthy weight gain" isn't talked about much and it is quite educative that you just did.
    Good job.

  2. I want have body goal with a routine excercise


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