what is health definition ? and how do I maintain my health? comprehensive
what is health definition? and how do I maintain my health? comprehensive

What is health and how do I maintain it?

In this informative article, I will introduce you dear readers related to the field of health information such as what is health and what causes its disease.

what means of treatment and maintenance of Health and what many aspects of Health and many others, so please and not something completed the last article to benefit the most benefit from this comprehensive health article.

Introduction to the topic of health

Some believe that health means that a person is only healthy, and heals from all diseases and ills, but the concept of health goes much further.

for a person to reach Healthy Health free from all diseases requires balancing the psychological, mental, spiritual, and physical aspects, and for a person to reach ideal health he has to integrate these aspects with each other.

what is health definition?

Definition of HealthHealth is defined as the state of man without any disease or disease, and it includes mental, social, and physical health, as it is said a healthy mind in a healthy body; a healthy man is the one who feels the safety of his body and his body, and socially is a human with a realistic view of the world and deals with the members of society well.

  • He also said that the adaptation of the body to those factors is a positive process that maintains the balance of the body,
  • but the World Health Organization defined it as a state of general safety in terms of physical,
  • mental and social terms and not just that the body is free from diseases or that the individual feels helpless,
  • and the World Health If part of these aspects are separated it will result in a lack of complementarity in one's health.

Public Health has several definitions in its modern concept, but the most famous of which is the definition of the world Winslow defined it as the science and art of preventing diseases and prolonging life.

working to promote health through community organizations aimed at preserving the health of the environment, combating infectious diseases, teaching individuals how to maintain personal hygiene.

in addition to organizing nursing and medical services with a view to early diagnosis, providing preventive treatment of various diseases, and developing social and living services to enable citizens to obtain their full rights to health and treatment.

Why not also check out an article we wrote on our site about the Top 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle and a slim body from here.

good health

For an individual to understand the concept of good health, he must first realize the importance of sharing the different aspects of health that exist for him and for each individual in society, and these aspects are:

physical health

Physical aspect: it is the aspect that encompasses the concrete form of an individual's body and its five senses, namely touch, smell, vision, taste, and hearing, and requires good nutrition, proper weight, purposeful exercise, and adequate rest.

Psychological health

Psychological aspect: it expresses different emotions and feelings, such as fear, anger, joy, love, forgiving others for their mistakes, and all the different sensations that give the individual happiness with himself and with others.

Mental health

Mental aspect: expresses the individual's thoughts, actions, beliefs, and analysis of attitudes and of himself; so that the individual must have his own opinions and thoughts and positively view himself away from negative thoughts.

spiritual health

Spiritual aspect: it is the aspect that expresses one's relationship to oneself, his creations, his purpose to life, and his relationship to his creator, man needs inner calmness and sufficient confidence in his inner knowledge.

All these aspects are closely related to each other; for example, if an individual suffers from back pain and needs to bed for a long time, this may lead him to enter a state of depression or frustration, this is psychologically and physically, and another example of the connection of the physical side to the psychological side, if the individual ignores the state of anger

Elements of physical health

Specific elements of physical health are:

  • Nutrition: integrated and balanced food is the basis for building the human body properly, and integrated food is classified into groups: sugars, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Physical sports: physical sports keep the human body healthy, strengthen its muscles, improve the work of the heart muscle, improve the work of the mind, and also improve breathing.
  • Rest and sleep: rest increases human activity, vitality, and strength; as older adults need more sleep periods than younger ones, lack of sleep can lead to some physical problems.
  • Hygiene: hygiene protects against bacteria and skin diseases.
  • Teeth: no longer take care of your teeth cleaned daily using a toothbrush and toothpaste before bed and after eating of the most important factors in physical health, as the human gum care also.

Elements of mental health

Elements of mental health:

  • Emotional growth: a person's mental health is influenced by experiences he has gained from a young age, as well as sad and happy situations and experiences.
  • Deal with stress: no human being can stay away from stress but there are ways to help him deal with the pressures of life psychologically facing him, including exercise, sleeping long enough, and meditation and relaxation training; all things that help to distract from psychological stressors.
  • Social relationships: social relationships have a great impact on human health; so intimate relationships between friends and relatives give support and courage and increase mental health.

Elements of Psychological health

The elements of mental health aim to lead the individual to live a happy life in which he is satisfied with himself and thus builds a strong, cohesive, and stable society. These elements are:

  1. Self-esteem: so that psychologically healthy individuals feel self-acceptance and self-esteem.
  2. Self-knowledge: people know their own selves, and also take into account their own feelings and true motives towards something.
  3. Self-confidence: mentally healthy individuals with great self-confidence perform their work independently.

Mental health makes the individual control his emotions, actions, and emotions, avoiding the wrong behavior and behaving properly and only, and it has no less important than the importance of physical health, it is indispensable for human mental health as indispensable for his physical health.

scientists have agreed that mental health is an important factor to achieve physical health and safety Conflict in its various forms in life, optimally invests its abilities and talents.

Mental health represents unending happiness for a person, who can live without problems, make many friends, and be able to overcome any trauma or stress that may be experienced.

areas of public health

Public health includes administrative procedures; such as planning, organization, health and vital statistics, epidemiological studies, health inspections, health community education, and management of health facilities such as dispensaries and hospitals, and its fields are divided into two parts:

Health administration services

The services of the Departments of health, whether individually or in association with others, including health, environment, and individual health, social care with special needs, caring for children, the elderly, pregnancy, and childbirth, in addition to combating communicable and Infectious Diseases, the application of quarantine at the national level and the global and individual health education, mental and physical enactment of laws and standardization of Health.

Services that help raise the level of health

Many services help to improve health, such as social welfare, education, promotion of postgraduate studies, food production and distribution, reclamation of agricultural land, exploitation of Natural Resources, Irrigation and sanitation services, improvement of Veterinary Services, Youth Care, and attention to family planning; all services and projects work in the public health service, whether directly or indirectly.


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