The most dangerous and deadly types of diseases in the world
There are many diseases, old and new, which are considered very dangerous and cause complications and danger to human life, including those that lead to death and cause the most dangerous and horrific diseases. What are the most dangerous diseases in the world?
The most dangerous diseases in the world
In the following, we will introduce you to the most dangerous diseases in the world and the most deadly causes of death:
1. Heart disease
Millions of people die around the world as a result of heart disease, and one of the most famous heart diseases is atherosclerosis caused by the closure of the main arteries feeding human organs, especially those that nourish the heart.
Many medications help reduce the symptoms of heart disease, and the doctor treats the disease using surgical procedures in more serious cases.
2. Cancer
Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world, as people develop cancer as a result of damage to parts of the human genetic material (DNA), which leads to the manufacture of abnormal cells in the human body that work to multiply unprogrammed to form cancerous tumors.
Cancer can start anywhere in the body to spread to all parts of the human body, as there are more than 100 types of cancer.
3. Lower respiratory tract infections
Chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tract often affect lung health. Lower respiratory tract infections include Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) caused by smoking and various environmental factors or pulmonary arterial hypertension.
4. Cerebrovascular disease
Cerebral vascular diseases result from heart attacks caused by the narrowing of the blood vessels that pump blood to the human brain. All cerebrovascular diseases need to see a doctor because of their serious complications on human health and life.
5. Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease is one of the most famous examples of mental illness, which causes memory loss and a defect in the way people think. There is no clear cause of Alzheimer's disease, but it affects older people more than others.
There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but there are some types of treatment that can control the progression of the disease and improve human life.
AIDS causes deaths in 51% of the world, as it is a serious disease that affects human immunity and causes death.
7. Kidney disease
Kidney diseases cause death around the world and are ranked among the tenth cases of death. It is worth noting that the number of deaths resulting from kidney disease has increased during the past ten years.
The most dangerous ancient diseases
The following are the most dangerous ancient diseases that have ended and no longer exist today:
1. Plague
A plague is caused by bacteria that live on animals that were transmitted by mosquitoes to humans to infect them, and the plague caused the death of 80% of infected people within five days of their infection.
2. Smallpox
Smallpox is transmitted from one person to another in the foot, causing many deaths. Smallpox infects humans, causing blisters that spread to all parts of the body, which sometimes leads to death.
3. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Severe acute respiratory syndrome emerged as a result of human infection with an old strain of the Coronavirus, the SARS virus causes severe pneumonia and difficulty breathing, which leads to death.
4. Ebola
Ebola is a dangerous and deadly viral disease that has become transmissible among humans, but fortunately, a drug was developed for this disease and it disappeared in 2016.
5. Leprosy
Leprosy is a disease caused by bacteria, in which a person begins to feel a loss of sensation due to the entry of bacteria into the nerves. Leprosy is a serious disease that leads to severe and dangerous symptoms.
6. Polio
Polio is a serious disease that affects children younger than five years old and is caused by viruses. The disease progresses to paralyze people sometimes and leads to serious brain infections as well.
The most dangerous infectious disease
The following is a list of dangerous infectious diseases, as they are among the most dangerous diseases that can be transmitted from one person to another, including:
- Corona emerging disease.
- tuberculosis.
- Cholera Disease.
- rabies.
- Pneumonia.
- acute diarrhea.
- Marburg disease.
- Dengue fever.
- yellow fever.
- Hantaviruses.
- Anthrax.
- tetanus.
- Meningitis.
- Syphilis.
- Measles.
- Zika virus.
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